How to sort arrays natively in Bash

on 2024-02-20 in howto about bash programming ~5 min read

Sorting arrays in pure Bash with the asort built-in command

TLDR: quick summary of the article

What would you do if, while implementing some solution in Bash, you suddenly needed to have an array in a sorted order? You might think of the sort tool from the coreutils package. Or you might even think that it's probably a good time to switch to Python or some other language? But it turns out that Bash supports sorting arrays natively! All you need is the asort built-in command. However, it is often not loaded by default, or even packaged on many modern Linux distributions. In this article I'll show you how to build and install Bash with all loadable modules from source, load them, and start writing faster, more advanced Bash scripts with less use of external commands.

First of all, check your Bash version. Version 5.2-release is the target of this article:


The built-in loadable modules are loaded with the enable command. Bash expects to find loadable modules in one of the paths specified in the BASH_LOADABLES_PATH environment variable, which is a colon-separated list of directories. Setting this variable and enabling all the necessary commands can be done, for example, with .bashrc. If you are currently running a pre-installed Bash, check that the asort command is not loaded and it cannot be loaded due to its absence:

enable -p | grep asort || { enable -f asort asort && enable -p | grep asort; }

If you see "enable asort" on the screen then the asort builtin is loaded and you can start using it, for example, by checking its help message:

asort --help

Otherwise, let's build it from source. First of all, clone the project's official git repository and enter its directory:

git clone && cd bash

The following procedure is pretty standard for any software written in C: you configure the build tools for the specific system, then you build the software, and then you install it on the system. During a configuration step, for example, you can change a default (/usr/local) installation path prefix. I'm going to override it with the same directory as the default. The loadable built-in commands can only be built after the main tool set is built:

./configure --prefix=/usr/local
make -C examples/loadables all others
sudo make install
sudo make -C examples/loadables install
sudo cp -v examples/loadables/{necho,hello,cat,pushd,asort} /usr/local/lib/bash/

Loadable built-in commands are installed in /usr/local/lib/bash/ and Bash itself in /usr/local/bin/. The trick with copying files is needed because the asort command is part of the extra commands and, as of this writing and Bash version 5.2.26, the Makefile doesn't support installing it. If all commands finished with no errors, you'll be able to find the loadable commands in the /usr/local/lib/bash/ directory. They are shared objects that can be analyzed in the typical way:

cd /usr/local/lib/bash
ldd asort
file asort

To load built-in commands from these files, you need to know a name of the structure that was defined in the source code. Some files contain only one command, so there is only one such structure, some contain two commands and two structures. You can find out these names by checking the symbol table and looking for the pattern <name>_struct:

$ objdump -t asort | grep _struct
00000000000040c0 g     O .data      0000000000000030              asort_struct

$ objdump -t truefalse | grep _struct
0000000000004020 g     O .data      0000000000000030              false_struct
0000000000004060 g     O .data      0000000000000030              true_struct

Make sure the BASH_LOADABLES_PATH environment variable is set and contains /usr/local/lib/bash, the directory where we installed the built-in commands. Now, everything is ready for testing. Let's run a newly built Bash, and load asort and a few other useful commands, just as an example, using the names we found in the symbol table:

enable -f asort asort
enable -f truefalse true
enable -f truefalse false
enable -f dsv dsv
dsv --help

Finally, we can perform reverse numerical sorting using only the built-in function which is dsone in-place:

$ declare -a arr=(3 1 15 6 4 5 3)

$ echo ${arr[*]}
3 1 15 6 4 5 3

$ asort -nr arr

$ echo ${arr[*]}
15 6 5 4 3 3 1

Having commands loaded as shared objects allows the Bash to call them directly and avoid creating new processes just to call the external tools with the same functionality. Let's do a quick experiment with mkdir when used as an external tool and loaded into the Bash:

$ strace -e execve /usr/local/bin/bash -c 'mkdir /tmp/mydir'

execve("/usr/local/bin/bash", ["/usr/local/bin/bash", "-c", "mkdir /tmp/mydir"], 0x7ffd7723d6f0 /* 68 vars */) = 0
execve("/usr/bin/mkdir", ["mkdir", "/tmp/mydir"], 0x1e2c010 /* 67 vars */) = 0
$ strace -e execve /usr/local/bin/bash -c 'enable -f mkdir mkdir; mkdir /tmp/mydir2'

execve("/usr/local/bin/bash", ["/usr/local/bin/bash", "-c", "enable -f mkdir mkdir; mkdir /tm"...], 0x7ffd37695000 /* 68 vars */) = 0

You can see that both executables are invoked when mkdir is called as an external tool. But, when mkdir is enabled as a built-in command, there is no an external tool execution, because the Bash calls this function directly. Besides being faster, the asort command has another big advantage over using an external sort tool. Because asort operates on the array data structure directly in memory, you don't have to worry about symbols contained in the array elements and just sort them in-place. They can contain newlines (0x0a or \n) or other bash specific symbols like * or ?:

$ declare -a arr=('**' $'abc\nxyz' $'abc\nefg' '*')

$ declare -p arr
declare -a arr=([0]="**" [1]=$'abc\nxyz' [2]=$'abc\nefg' [3]="*")

$ echo "${arr[1]}"

$ asort arr

$ declare -p arr
declare -a arr=([0]="*" [1]="**" [2]=$'abc\nefg' [3]=$'abc\nxyz')

It's also worth checking out other loadable commands such as id, ln, mkfifo, cut, cat, stat, tee, uname, and others (see the loadable modules directory). These are fairly common tools used in Bash scripting. They can all be loaded into the Bash itself, resulting in a significant overall performance improvement by eliminating the need to run external commands each time.


  • Bash supports sorting arrays natively using the built-in asort command.
  • The asort and other loadable commands are not enabled by default and may need to be compiled from source.
  • To build Bash and loadable commands from source, you clone the git repository, configure, make, and install it on your system.
  • The enable command is used to load builtin commands using their struct names found in the symbol table.
  • Common loadable commands include asort, truefalse, dsv, id, ln, mkdir, uname, mkdir, and many others.
  • Loading builtins avoids running external commands, improving performance.
  • Builtin commands are shared objects that can be analyzed with ldd, file, objdump.
  • Loadable commands are installed in /usr/local/lib/bash and need BASH_LOADABLES_PATH set to load.
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