Using udp-link to enhance TCP connections stability

on 2024-01-16 in article about networking tools ~5 min read

A UDP transport layer implementation for proxying TCP connections

TLDR: quick summary of the article

I recently discovered udp-link, a very useful project for all those guys like me who spend most of their working time in terminals over SSH connections. The tool implements the UDP transport layer, which acts as a proxy for TCP connections. It's designed to be integrated into the OpenSSH configuration. However, with a little trick, it can also be used as a general-purpose TCP-over-UDP proxy. udp-link greatly improves the stability of connections over unreliable networks that experience packet loss and intermittent connectivity. It also includes an IP roaming, which allows TCP connections to remain alive even if an IP address changes.

udp-link is written in C by Pavel Gulchuk, who has a lot of experience in running unreliable networks. Despite being a young project, the version v0.4 shows pretty stable results. Once configured, you won't think about it anymore. Unless you're surprised every time when SSH connections don't break, survive a laptop's sleep mode and connections to different Wi-Fi networks.

In the current architecture, the client-side tool takes data from the standard input and sends it to the server side via UDP. The same copy of the tool takes that data from the network on a specific UDP port and sends it to a TCP service (local or remote from a server-side perspective). The destination TCP service and a UDP listening port on the server side can be specified on the client at startup. Otherwise, a TCP connection will be established with, and a port will be randomly chosen from a predefined port range. Note that the server firewall should allow the traffic to this port range on UDP. The TCP service can also reside on a different host if the server side is used as a jumpbox. I consider it one of the greatest features that udp-link uses a zero server-side configuration, all configuration tweaks happen only on the client side.

udp-link on the server side does not run as a daemon or listen on a UDP port all the time. Instead, the client initiates the invocation of the tool on the server side in listening mode with a randomly generated key. This key is used to authenticate the client connection. This is done on demand by establishing a normal SSH connection over TCP with the server side, temporarily, just to run the tool in the background. The connection is then closed. This is where a secure client authentication comes into play. udp-link doesn't encrypt the transferred data, which is useful when is used together with SSH because it avoids a double encryption, but needs to be kept that in mind when used with other configurations.

To start using udp-link, you need to clone the repository, compile, and install the tool on both sides

git clone
cd  udp-link
sudo make install

and then make an SSH connection on the client side by executing a command similar to

ssh -o ProxyCommand="udp-link %r@%h" user@host

ProxyCommand allows SSH to send all its data to the standard input of a specified command instead of to a TCP connection. This command will be responsible for sending the data to a server side in some way and should eventually deliver it to a target SSH service. OpenSSH also supports a number of macros such as %r and %p which can be found in its documentation. Personally, I use SSH in a slightly different way and never send out my public SSH keys to unknown hosts. More details on this topic can be found in a great article 'OpenSSH client side key management for better privacy and security', written by Timothée Ravier. So I'm actively using ssh_config files, where I specify all connection-specific details, such as hostname, username, SSH key, and in this case, ProxyCommand. My typical ssh_config file looks something like this

Host some-server
    user some-user
    hostname some-IP
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/ssh-some-server.key
    ProxyCommand udp-link some-IP

Host some-IP
    user some-user
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/ssh-some-server.key

Host *
    IdentitiesOnly yes
    IdentityFile /dev/null
    GSSAPIAuthentication no
    HostbasedAuthentication no
    SendEnv no

and then to connect I just run

ssh some-server

The second Host some-IP block is needed to provide a correct SSH key to a temporary SSH connection (without ProxyCommand) that udp-link establishes at the beginning of a new session. To debug the connection, add --debug option

ssh -o ProxyCommand="udp-link --debug some-IP" some-server

If I need to bind a connection to a specific UDP port on the server side, I initiate a connection like this

ssh -o ProxyCommand="udp-link -b 1234 some-IP" some-server

You can also bind it to a privileged port (1-1024), but udp-link needs root permissions to do this, which can be achieved in a number of ways, such as making it root-owned with the setuid bit turned on the server-side copy of a binary file.

chown root /usr/local/bin/udp-link
chmod u+s /usr/local/bin/udp-link

Unlike other projects with a similar goal, e.g. Mosh, udp-link doesn't allocate a pseudo-terminal, which I consider a feature, because it opens the possibility to use the tool not only for accessing remote terminals, but also for proxying any arbitrary TCP connection. However, udp-link cannot currently listen on a local TCP port on the client side. Fortunately, this can be worked around by adding socat and its exceptional ability to connect things. However, socat cannot be paired with udp-link via an unnamed pipe, because pipes provide a unidirectional interprocess communication, while here we need a bidirectional communication to get data back from the network. The trick is that udp-link is invoked by socat. Here is an example of how to open a listening 2525/TCP port on the client side, then proxy a future TCP connection over a UDP channel to a remote host, and connect it to a 25/TCP port on the server's localhost in debug mode

socat TCP-LISTEN:2525 SYSTEM:"udp-link -t\:25 --debug some-IP"

udp-link is a small, flexible and very useful tool. I hope to see further development, adding new features and maturing the code base.


  • udp-link is a tool that implements the UDP transport layer to act as a proxy for TCP connections over unreliable networks.
  • It is designed to be integrated into OpenSSH configuration to improve stability of SSH connections.
  • udp-link allows TCP connections to remain alive even if the IP address changes through its IP roaming feature.
  • On the client side, udp-link takes data from standard input and sends it to the server side via UDP, where it is then sent to the target TCP service.
  • The server side of udp-link does not run as a daemon and instead is invoked on demand by the client through a temporary SSH connection.
  • Authentication is done through a randomly generated key during the temporary SSH connection.
  • udp-link doesn't encrypt the transferred data, which is useful when is used together with SSH to avoid double encryption.
  • Installation is done by cloning the GitHub repo, compiling, and installing it on both client and server.
  • All configuration is done only on the client side
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This is my personal blog. All ideas, opinions, examples, and other information that can be found here are my own and belong entirely to me. This is the result of my personal efforts and activities at my free time. It doesn't relate to any professional work I've done and doesn't have correlations with any companies I worked for, I'm currently working, or will work in the future.